Friday, January 24, 2025

Mission Trips




 New Duck River Baptist Association

 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.(Acts 1:8, KJV)

 Jerusalem Projects (NDRBA Local Area Missions)

 Ways you can claim your Jerusalem for Christ:

$ We are churches and individuals Networking together to reach communities with the Gospel using special events. There are manuals and resources available to assist in planning your evangelistic events (Block Parties, Sports Evangelism, Hunters Nights, Crusades, Backyard Kid’s Clubs, Club VBS, etc.).

$ Vacation Bible School is the most evangelical event conducted during the year in the local church. This is an opportunity to reach families for Christ. If you need assistance with your VBS, feel free to contact the Baptist Center Office. Assistance is available! Churches are looking for VBS mission opportunities to help conduct and Network for a Vacation Bible School impact!

$ The Witness Wardrobe is a ministry of Caney Spring Baptist Church in Chapel Hill. Contact the church for more information on assisting and donation provisions. This is a local ministry and you are welcomed to assist as you can any time during the year. The contact is Sarah Brake. Her number is 931-209-4068.

$ Church Revitalization is needed in and near our Jerusalem. Revitalization is one or several churches coming along-side a struggling church to offer assistance in getting back to spiritual health and effectiveness by assisting in revitalization through supplying a preacher, music leader, children/youth leader, canvassing neighborhoods, outreach/evangelistic efforts, prayer-walking, Backyard Kids Clubs (VBS), financial help, praying or many other possible ways.

$ The National Celebration Championship and other events at the Calsonic Venues provide many opportunities to share Christ with people who will be visiting Shelbyville during the National Walking Horse Celebration and many other smaller events.

$ The Goat Festival in Lewisburg and other events provide the opportunity for churches to share the Gospel with attendees through water distribution, informational displays and a host of other friend and relational evangelism events.

$ Lynchburg, Wartrace, Bell Buckle, Chapel Hill and the surrounding communities in the NDRBA have many festivals and events during the year that offers many opportunities to share Christ with visitors and the community. Network with other churches and assist them in sharing Christ!

$ Several of our NDRBA Churches will be or are in various stages of construction and need assistance. Some of our members have needs for repairs in their homes! What a great way to assist each other in our Jerusalem!

Building project assistance and Disaster Relief in communities with needs. Disasters happen and we have trained volunteers to assist in the recovery.


Judea Projects  (State of Tennessee Missions)

During the year there are many opportunities to assist or participate in Tennessee Missions:

$ The 2023 Mission Projects in Ducktown, TN with the Copper Basin Crisis Center: Vacation Bible School, in June; Steve Puckett, coordinator for more information (615-584-3708). There may be multiple opportunities for Work Projects, Warehouse and Distribution during the year. Derrick & Debra Elliott (931-273-7226) are the coordinators. Families with children may participate in these mission projects.

$ A Fall Coat Drive for Copper Basin is conducted September-October. Bring new or in good condition coats, jackets, sweaters to the NDRBA Office. These items are delivered in November.

$ Disaster Relief (DR) is mission opportunity that arises in our state from time to time. There is a range of special training and certification required before participating in an event. Look for training events on the website. DR Volunteers offer help, hope and healing in Christ after a disaster. Training provided at various times in churches and at the Association Office.

$ Transform Tennessee are projects to five metro areas of the Tennessee (Knoxville, Clarkesville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville) of Tennessee Baptist Convention. The idea is for a church to adopt a church or area in the city for partnerships ministry opportunities coordinated by the local association. This is a mission trip that will allow your church/group to do missions in-state by being on mission with the lost and needy in the state of Tennessee!


Samaria Projects (North American Missions)

$  Mission ALASKA – tentative and flexible dates tailored to your church possibilities. These are the annual tentative months are June and July association mission team trips:

$Shungnak – Vacation Bible School, Basketball Camp, ATV repair with a Gospel twist, Children, Youth, Adult Ministries and more!

$ Kobuk – Possible second floor addition of the Pastor Cabin.

$ Ambler – Vacation Bible School and relationship building.

$ Other villages are possible locations as the Northwest District School Board has give permission for the association to utilize their gyms and school for lodging and teaching areas.

$ Church to church partnerships are possible for VBS, construction, meeting needs.

$ Village to church partnerships in one of the 100 - 120 unreached, outpost villages.

$ New England, Denver and the Greater Cincinnati-Dayton, Ohio are Tennessee Baptist Mission Board partnerships for Tennessee Baptist. Possible projects include: Community Canvas, Prayer Walking, Relationship Building, Backyard Bible Clubs, construction projects and many other possible needs year-round.

$ Crossover New Orleans is June 10 is a concerted outreach to the surrounding counties of Greater Nashville during the Southern Baptist Convention: Block Parties, Prayer Walking, Community survey teams and other projects.

$ Disaster Relief and other projects are available through the Tennessee Baptist Convention from prayer-walking, canvassing, back yard/vacation Bible schools, construction, etc. Projects are published on the Tennessee Baptist Website for work across the United States and Canada. Check out other Volunteer Mission Opportunities at:


Ends of the Earth Projects    (International Missions)

Here are a few international projects that are great opportunities for missions:

$ West Africa Mission Pastor Training - a team of 4 pastors is requested to train pastors in a city setting from the bush. Call for more details.

$ Brazil River Basin Mission partnership is in the possible works. Keep your eyes and ears open for the possibilities and needs. First Baptist, Shelbyville is taking the lead on this project.

·  Mission Belize partnership(s) will provide opportunities to be on mission during the year. Several churches in the association are already planning trips to this small Central American Country. East Commerce Baptist, Lewisburg is taking the lead. Keep your eyes and ears open.

·  Mission Japan possibilities, Matt Judd at Mt Moriah Baptist Church will be coordinating this project. 

$ Guatemala is an active partnership with the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board. There are several opportunities to be on mission in Guatemala: backpack evangelism into remote mountain areas; crusade teams, construction teams, pastor training (usually in May) and much more.

There are possibilities to work in the United Kingdom for missions: Holiday Bible Clubs, Community Clubs, Prayer Walking Teams and other helps. The churches need assistance in ministering to the children and communities during the summer months.

$ Disaster Relief has gone international. Rebuilds are in process in the Bahamas and Dominica. With continual disasters worldwide, there are many opportunities for you to be involved in a ministry of compassion and assistance. Specialized training is required, beyond TBC DR Training. Call for more information.

$ The NDRBA receives requests from time to time from friends and former students/staff of Dr. Key. Some requests include conducting sports evangelism camps to training pastors from remote villages in distressed areas that are an unreached and sometimes security sensitive regions. Some are highly sensitive and maybe even hostile to the Gospel. If you would like to participate, call the associational office for a few additional details that can be shared.


Regardless of where the Father has called you, be on mission always. There are people groups that temporarily live in our three county area that, if reached and disciple, will one day return to their home as missionaries. Be on mission! Make disciples!

Questions or How to sign up for International Mission Projects or Networking with other churches on International Missions... call Tim Key @ 931-684-6592 or You may also check the website for updates:


 Mission Project Ideas


The Coronavirus has brought many challenges to doing missions in and beyond our communities. The mission projects of last summer beyond the NDRBA were cancelled or greatly limited. Some of the challenges to travel beyond NDRBA need to be considered before

·       **  Willingness of the elders, government, villages or communities to allow a mission team to work

·       **  The necessity to possible be required to present a Covid vaccine card before travel/working

·       **  The level of Covid in the region may suddenly close opportunities

·       **  Team sizes may be limited due to restrictions beyond control

·       **  Necessity to carry more into a region due to shortages of transportation / supplies

·       **  Flexibility is a key word – with the possibility of last minute changes, even in route

·      **   Must follow facemask, test and/or vaccination details spelled out with CDC/Airlines/Villages



(Costs are approximate and do not include travel meals.  -  Lodging and meals on-site are included.)


Kotzebue: (~$1,100)

·         July 4th Celebration

o   Face Painting

o   Balloon figures

o   Serve shaved ice

·         May assist in Youth/Children’s Ministry

·         Men’s Winter Workshop

Shungnak, Ambler: (~$1,600)

·         VBS

o   Bible Study Leader

o   Music Leader

o   Mission Leader

o   Crafts / Snacks

o   Recreation Leader

·         Basketball Camp

·         Family Night Movie

·         Children’s Movie Night

·         Women/Children - Hair and Nails

·         Fishing Packs to Elders

·         Youth Night Activities

·         May work on Friend’s Church/Pastor Cabin

·         ATV Repair Class

·         Prayer Boot Camp

·         Survey Church Construction Needs


Kobuk: (~$1,600)

·         Work on Pastor Cabin / Church

·         Build Relationships expansion

·         Assist VBS

·         ATV Repair Class

·         Prayer Boot Camp



·         Construction projects

·         Warehouse work


AMOS, Jefferson City, TN (~$200)

    C  Construction projects


·         Warehouse work


WEST YELLOWSTONE, Montana (~$150 plus travel)

·         Kids in the Park on Saturday

·         Construction – to be determined