Monday, September 09, 2024

Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief Training
Introduction to Disaster Relief
Monday & Tuesday, February 5 & 6, 2024
New Duck River Baptist Office
Regional DR Training
Feb 9 - 10, 2024
White House, TN
pre-register at:
DISASTER RELIEF: If you want to go alone, have a team or teams that would like to go OR if your church wants to partner with a specific church for  a long-term rebuild, they need volunteers- all hands on deck. There is one qualification they ask that all arriving has good medical insurance for emergencies out of state, since some insurance policies omit out of state or greatly reduce the coverage. If you want to purchase trip insurance that can be arranged through Gallagher out of Nashville.
Here are some of the supply needs we are collecting at the Associational Office to take with teams:
- Unused, flat moving size boxes and tape
- Plastic Totes with lids
- bubble wrap
- bottled water
- non-perishable food items
- baby diapers
- baby wipes
- Cleaning items: Clorax, spray bottles, gloves, masks,
- heavy duty garbage bags
- large garbage cans and bags
- Gift Cards to Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot in varied amounts for supplies
- Checks written to New Duck River Baptist Association to be distributed to the needs there
Anything you can think of that may be used for cleaning and rebuild of a church/home that has been flooded.
PRAYERS are greatly appreciated as this rebuild will last for months and maybe a year.
I will continue to send out notices of teams and if you want to join another team or go solo, let me know. I'll network as best as I can.


Disaster Relief supplies to be collected and deliver, as needed, in the weeks and months to come. We will send them via teams traveling to the locations and/or deliver them personally.  

Below is a list of suggested items needed in a Disaster Situation:
·         Diapers (all sizes)
·         Pull Ups (all sizes)
·         Wet Wipes
·         Baby Formula
·         Baby Bottles
·         Baby Pacifiers
·         Toys (preferably soft toys such as stuffed animals, baby dolls, etc)
·         NEW packs of underwear (ALL SIZES, kids, men, and women)
·         NEW packs of socks (ALL SIZES)
·         Feminine Products
·         Soap
·         Shampoo
·         Toothbrushes & Toothpaste
·         Towels and Washcloths
·         Deodorant
·         Sunscreen (with bug repellant included if possible)
·         Work Gloves
·         Work Masks
·         Flashlights, Battery Powered Lanterns AND Batteries (AA, C, D, 6 volt, 9 volt)
·         Camp lanterns (propane preferred, with extra bottles)
·         Camp stoves and camping cookware (propane stoves preferred, with extra bottles)
·         Coolers, icechests (any size)
·         WALMART Gift Cards (small denominations $25 or less)
·         Pre-purchased Gas Cards
·         Clothes and Shoes (ALL SIZES, Men, Women, and Kids)
·         Pouch food (tuna, chicken, salmon - anything that can be opened without can opener)
·         Drinks (Can Drinks, Juice Boxes, Capri Suns, Bottle Water, etc.)
·         Non-perishable foods
·         Generators, gas cans and extension cords
·         Cash is always welcomed to purchase items that are needed, as needed




DISASTER RELIEF ALERT,  FOR ALL DISASTER RELIEF TRAINED PERSONNEL:        Please note that major changes are underway as to how TBC will be issuing credentials for ALL disaster relief volunteers in the future.


ALL current badges will expire at the end of 2010, regardless of when you took the training.  As of January 1, 2011,  every DR volunteers will be required to have a background check.  Also, a new fee has been put in place.  It will now cost $36.00 for a 3 year badge.  You are still required to complete Introduction to Disaster  every 3 years.

I will not attempt to put all of the details in this email.  There will be a Training session held Saturday, May 15th (place and time TBD) to help us transition into this new credentialing process.  At that time we will make available all new forms required if you want to continue in DR.  Also, there will be an article in the next Association newsletter on this.  The $36.00 fee will cover the cost of the background check, a new hat and a DR pin.




Disaster Relief Presentation


New Duck River Disaster Relief has a presentation on Disaster Relief for churches to view to better understand the Disaster Relief Mission/Ministry. If you would like for him to present it at your church, give the office a call. 




 To learn more about the Tennessee Baptist Convention's Disaster Relief opportunities, visit their website at: